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About The A11Y Collective

The A11Y Collective is the e-learning platform for anyone who wants to learn more about web accessibility

We have embraced web accessibility as the next big thing for the Internet. In fact, it’s our ambition to globally spread knowledge and skills about web accessibility to ensure everyone can use the Internet. As it was intended in the first place. 

Once you complete one of our courses, you will have the knowledge and skills to start making an impact. Whether you are a writer, a designer, developer or product owner, everyone can make a difference. Pretty awesome, right? So… let’s make the web accessible together!

Who can follow our courses?

Of course everyone can follow our courses. Our courses, however, focus mostly on knowledge and skills that are valuable for web designers, developers, webmasters, product owners and web editors. In our courses, we explain what every one of you can do to ensure a website or webshop is as accessible as can be.

What courses do we offer?

We offer online courses about accessible web design, code and content. We also offer masterclasses in which we explore specific topics more in-depth.

The content of our courses and masterclasses are explained to you via video and via text. And as we all know: people learn best by practicing. So therefore, it is part of our courses and masterclasses to practice what you just learned.

We will continuously add new courses and masterclasses to this platform. All concerning web accessibility.

Who are we?

We selected our trainers carefully based upon their knowledge about web accessibility.

Rian Rietveld

Rian Rietveld is an authority in web accessibility. As an IAAP Certified Professional, she has audited and improved accessibility for numerous organisations. For many years, she has shared her expertise through training sessions with developers, website owners, and content creators. Her hands-on experience and practical teaching approach ensure you’ll learn real-world solutions you can apply straight away.

We are proud to have Rian, who is an IAAP Certified Professional In Web Accessibility, in our midst as one of our trainers. Rian is not only an A11Y Collective trainer, she is in fact involved in the development of every one of our courses and masterclasses. As Rian likes to say:

Make it work before you make it nice. And do so not only for that one blind guy who never visits your website, but for the 20% of all of your visitors who benefit from this.

Andrée Lange

Andrée Lange has almost ten years of experience working as a digital designer at several agencies. At heart, she is a true UX and visual designer. In recent years, she has specialised in web accessibility and, more specifically, in accessible design.

Andrée explains in her courses that making it work before you make it nice does not mean that accessible websites cannot be nice or pretty. Her motto is:

Making sure your design is accessible is just another way of providing your users with the best possible user experience there is.

Taeke Reijenga

Taeke Reijenga has extensive experience with the business side of Web Accessibility. As CEO of the full service digital agency Level Level, he has managed in a short amount of time to get his entire team on board when it comes to including web accessibility in their workflow.

Taeke is not only an A11Y Collective trainer, he is in fact the CEO and founder the A11Y Collective. He is also the CEO and founder of Level Level, a full service digital agency based in Rotterdam. Through the years he has gained more and more knowledge about the business side of web accessibility. He strongly believes that:

Today is the day to start investing in Web Accessibility. Today is the day to start making an impact!

Caitlin de Rooij

Caitlin de Rooij is a Web Accessibility Specialist. She works as an Accessibility Consultant for Level Level and provides training and workshops for enhancing digital accessibility. Caitlin’s expertise lies in ensuring that websites and digital content are designed and developed to be inclusive and usable for individuals with diverse abilities and disabilities.

Florian Schroiff

Florian Schroiff has been building for the web since 2004. He has worked on countless accessible websites as a freelancer and for various agencies. As a front-end expert he is always searching for ways to improve accessibility and user experience and to share them with his team — and now with you!

Amber Qualm

Amber Qualm is an Accessibility Consultant working at Level Level. With over ten years of experience in digital product design, she combines her knowledge of user experience and accessibility to help companies, designers and developers create digital products that are accessible for all users.

Fabio Bindels

Meet Fabio Bindels, a living testament to the power of The A11Y Collective. He embarked on his front-end journey with a deep curiosity for accessibility and has since evolved into an expert at his trade. His commitment to an accessible web fuels his mission to educate and inspire, making him a valuable guide on the path to accessible web development.

Do you want to be a part of the A11Y Collective as well and become one of our trainers?

What the term ‘A11Y’ means

‘A11Y’ is shorthand for Accessibility. It is a numeronym. The 11 represents the number of letters between te A and the Y. It is a commonly used term on the Internet to address accessibility, a term that a lot of people find difficult to pronounce or to spell. A11Y (pronounce it like ‘Ellie’) is then a bit easier. So in fact, the A11Y Collective means: the accessibility collective. We are just all about accessibility!

Partner of the A11Y Collective

To be able to offer our courses via videos to you, we partnered up with Valo online events, a livestream specialist from the Netherlands. Together with Valo we recorded all of our courses in our own office in Rotterdam. So, by following our courses, you will not only learn a lot about web accessibility, you will also get a little bit of that down to earth vibe, Rotterdam is so well known for.

Want to try before you buy?

We understand. Just signup for our free Try-out Class. Watch the videos, listen to the trainers and decide for yourself. Have fun!