Many people find it frustrating when websites don’t work properly. Now imagine trying to check your bank balance or make a payment, but you can’t see the screen clearly, use …
Imagine creating a digital product that works brilliantly for everyone – regardless of their abilities. That’s the power of integrating accessibility into your UX research. With an estimated 1.3 billion …
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing how people interact with technology, including tools that make websites and apps more accessible. From automatically adding descriptions to images to converting speech into text …
Learn how improving accessibility can boost your SEO strategy and help you reach a wider audience. Discover practical tips and tools to optimise your site.
Discover the key characteristics of accessible fonts and learn best practices for selecting and combining typefaces that ensure readability for all users.
Learn the fundamentals of accessible HTML form creation, including information on correctly labeling and grouping form fields, enhancing accessibility for screen reader and keyboard users, and providing clear validation cues and error messages.