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The A11Y Collective Blog

Stay up to date about the ins & outs of Web Accessibility!

A list of blog articles

  • What does accessible code mean for the end user?

    Writing accessible code is just the right thing to do. For yourself, your colleagues, but actually for everyone using your website. Read why!

  • Why every designer should embrace accessible design

    We believe every designer should include accessibility in their skill set. Read about the benefits of an accessible design in our blog!

  • Certificates now with Accredible!

    Why Accredible and what does it mean for you? We understand it’s important to you to be able to communicate your professional credibility and that’s why we’re exited to partner …

  • For whom is web accessibility important?

    We all benefit from an accessible web When you read or hear the word “disability”, you probably think of someone who is blind, deaf, or someone who can’t walk and …

  • An introduction to web accessibility

    Do you know what web accessibility means? Our first blog gives you a quick introduction to it. Read it here!