There’s more to a link than just a clickable word or image. So, how do you create the perfect link? Rian tells you in our blog!
This year will be the 10th edition of this global event, raising awareness on accessibility. Join one of many events and broaden your skills!
The courses of The A11Y Collective are approved by the IAAP for earning Continuing Accessibility Education Credits (CAEC)!
Wow! Immensely proud to inform you that the A11Y Collective is an official Webby Honoree in the 25th annual Webby Awards!
We tend to develop and design for perfect people in a perfect environment. But should we? Web accessibility is about you!
Do you know there are a lot of myths floating around regarding accessible design? Andrée Lange debunks five of them in our blog!
Have you ever used a screen reader while using the web? It allows blind and visually impaired users to read and navigate! Read our blog.
Writing accessible content is often overlooked by website owners. Read our blog and make accessibility part of your marketing plan!
Writing accessible code is just the right thing to do. For yourself, your colleagues, but actually for everyone using your website. Read why!
We believe every designer should include accessibility in their skill set. Read about the benefits of an accessible design in our blog!