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A list of blog articles

  • How to Build on Basic Principles of Link Accessibility: In-depth Strategies

    Discover advanced strategies to improve website link accessibility beyond basics. Explore in-depth examples and the latest nuances.

  • Understanding and Using Alternative Text: A Comprehensive Guide

    Unlock alt text’s power for web accessibility and SEO. Our guide aids developers, creators, and marketers in optimizing their strategies.

  • The Importance of Tooltips in Web Accessibility: A Rundown

    Imagine navigating a new city without street signs or a map; that’s the internet without tooltips for many users. These nifty little helpers, often taken for granted, are sprinkled throughout web pages, offering nuggets of information when you hover over buttons, links, form fields, and more.

  • Accessible heading structure

    Heading levels have meaning, especially for screen reader users and search engines. That means one unique first level heading per page, with the other headings representing the page content similar to the index of a book: easily scannable and semantic.

  • How to write great alt texts

    Images are great. But what if you cannot see the image? Then the information on the images can be shared with an alternative text.

  • Creating the perfect link

    There’s more to a link than just a clickable word or image. So, how do you create the perfect link? Rian tells you in our blog!

  • What does a screen reader do while you use the web?

    Have you ever used a screen reader while using the web? It allows blind and visually impaired users to read and navigate! Read our blog.