What does reflow mean? According to the Oxford Dictionary:
Noun: Reflow is the action of rearranging electronic text on a page having varied such features as type size, line length, and spacing.
Different ways to look at a website
Visitors of a site can use all sorts of different devices and screen widths to view the content. A smartphone or tablet, in landscape or portrait mode, on a desktop with various screen widths and resolutions… You name it.
Besides that, visitors can also zoom in if they need to (or if your font size is too small).
And still the text must be readable and the functionality visible.
This leaves designers and developers with a mindblowing amount of possibilities.
So, what is important for accessibility?
Three items are important concerning reflow :
- No matter on which device, screen or orientation you watch a web page, you must be able to read the content and reach all functionality.
- This must still be the case when visitors zoom in up to 400%.
- And avoid having a horizontal and a vertical scrollbar at the same time.
Do you want to learn how to code and test for a good reflow?
Follow our course accessible code.