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Web Accessibility, the business case

Web accessibility ensures everyone can navigate and enjoy your website. This not only broadens your audience but also saves you money and keeps you in line with key regulations like the European Accessibility Act (EAA) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Explore our free course to see how accessibility may benefit your business.

Have you ever thought about making your website or webshop more accessible? There’s a lot more to gain than you might think. By embracing web accessibility, you’re not just doing the right thing; you’re opening doors to bigger opportunities for your business.

In this course, “Web Accessibility, the business case,” we delve into:

  • The untapped potential of an accessible website or webshop.
  • How web accessibility can increase your revenue.
  • How web accessibility can save you money by cutting down unnecessary costs.
  • How web accessibility helps you stay on the right side of legislation like the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or European Accessibility Act (EAA).

The bottom line? If you’re not implementing web accessibility now, you’re probably leaving money on the table.
Let’s explore how you can boost your business by looking at the business case for web accessibility.

Are you in? Enroll now!

For accessibility specialists:
This course is useful if you want to learn more about how to have a conversation with your clients. Finishing “Web Accessibility; the business case” grants you 0.5 Continuing Accessibility Education Credits (CAECs) for maintaining your IAAP certification.

Meet your trainer

Taeke Reijenga

Taeke Reijenga has extensive experience with the business side of Web Accessibility. As CEO of the full service digital agency Level Level, he has managed in a short amount of time to get his entire team on board when it comes to including web accessibility in their workflow.


5 reviews
  • Herbert Alexander Duarte de Luca gave 5 out of 5 stars

    Simple, practical and straight to the point course, with lots of extra information and great content, teaching is easy to understand.

  • Paraj Surjuse gave 5 out of 5 stars

    The best course which gives you proper knowledge about web accessibility and how much it is important for your business

  • Paul Biron gave 5 out of 5 stars

    This is an excellent course! Taeke is a great instructor: he provides clear, unambiguous justifications for why A11Y is important for everyone. One of the things discussed that I think is very important is the notion of "temporary or situational" impairment. A11Y is for everyone!


Not what you're looking for?

Why not try one of these courses?

    • code
    • content
    • design
    • legislation
    • responsibilities
    • testing
    • Beginner

    Learn how to make websites accessible for everyone. This course provides you with a practical introduction to web accessibility and shows you how to implement it in your work.

    • Understand and apply accessibility laws and WCAG guidelines.
    • Get practical tips and solutions you can use straight away.
    • Learn from real user experiences and expert interviews.

    • animations
    • colour
    • forms
    • modals
    • navigation
    • typography
    • Intermediate

    A well-designed, accessible website contributes to a better user experience for everyone. So, if you’re a digital designer and you want to learn how to create strong, accessible designs according to current guidelines, then you’ve come to the right place! With the A11Y Collective, you’ll learn to:

    • Design websites that meet accessibility laws.
    • Improve navigation, readability, and usability.
    • Accommodate diverse user needs, from keyboard navigation to screen readers.

    • animations
    • content
    • images
    • WCAG
    • writing
    • Intermediate

    As a writer or content manager for the web, you can make the web more accessible every day. If you are ready to broaden your skills and learn how to create accessible content for everyone, then this course is definitely for you!
